Low Dose CT Lung Screening in New Jersey

The Safer Choice for Lung Cancer Screening

Lung cancer is responsible for 1 out of every 3 cancer deaths and is the second most frequently diagnosed cancer in men and women. While heavy smokers are at the greatest risk for the disease, 60% of lung cancer patients are individuals who never smoked or who quit decades ago. Only 16% of lung cancers are diagnosed at their earliest, most curable stages. If caught early, patients can increase their treatment options while improving their outcomes and survival rate.

The CT lung screening is a low dose CT scan which evaluates your lungs for any sign of cancer in men and women. This screen tool is intended for individuals considered to be high risk for developing the disease. The advance CT scan is designed to detect small growths that are present but that that are not yet visible on a standard chest X-ray. It takes only seconds ( one breath hold) and no injection or oral contrast is needed. 

Compared to other common cancer screening tests such as mammography for breast cancer, low dose CT lung screening is at least as effective at reducing lung cancer deaths in high risk individuals as mammography is a preventing breast cancer deaths.  

Am I a Candidate for Low Dose Lung Screening?

You need a referral from a healthcare provider before you can receive a low dose lung cancer screening at AMI. If you are wondering whether or not you should get screened, check out the ShouldIScreen website, which uses information you provide to give you a recommendation. If you believe screening is a good idea, talk with your healthcare provider about getting a referral.

The low dose CT lung screening scan is covered by most insurances based on the criteria below:

Patient Criteria for Low Dose CT Lung Screening Program


• Age: 50 – 77

• Smoking History: 20+ pack year history and currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years


• Age: 50 – 80* (* upper age range 78-80 dependent on insurance plan)

• Smoking History: 20+ pack year history and currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years

If you are uninsured and meet the following criteria, you may be eligible for a free low dose CT lung screening:

  • Age: 50 - 80
  • Smoking History: 20+ pack year history and currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years

The following pages can tell you more about lung cancer and screening:

You can also call us at (609) 677-9729 if you’d like to learn more about our low dose CT lung screening program.
